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Always in the right place


For your safety and safe transport of your gas cylinder.

A patented Slovenian product which can be easily described as an innovative solution that ensures your safety in road transport. Thanks to its handiness, practicality and special design, it enables safe transport of gas cylinders in personal vehicles and that is not all, with it, all kinds of objects in your vehicle trunk are always safely secured.

FixIt EN

Safety comes first

The product was created with a clear vision to increase the safety of road transport participants in the transport of gas cylinders. So that your gas cylinder is always in place.


FixIt is not only distinguished by its safety, but also by its practicality. Thanks to its handiness and shape, it is also an excellent choice for securing a wide variety of objects.

Easy to use

Simplicity is where it’s at. Only 1.6 seconds for your safety. That’s all the time it takes to properly secure a gas cylinder using the FixIt.


The one-digit number is negligible compared to the preciousness of your life. Created with the consumer in mind.

Patented Slovenian invention

FixIt is the fruit of Slovenian knowledge. It was created by a dedicated team of engineers and entrepreneurs who are hoping to improve road safety.

An innovative solution for
transporting gas cylinders



Each solution represents an answer to a particular problem. Specifically, FixIt is a response to inappropriate and, above all, dangerous approaches to the transport of gas cylinders. These are, for example, the installation of a gas cylinder behind the front seats or wedging it using the passenger’s seat. All of this is extremely dangerous, because in the event of an accident, the gas cylinder becomes an actual projectile. In addition to that, the transport of gas cylinders in passenger cars is strictly forbidden. Only the luggage space remains, and with it a good chance that the gas cylinder will move around.

Plinoklin delovanje - skica


After thorough consideration of the problem itself, an idea emerged on how to raise the level of safety of road transport participants in the personal transport of gas cylinders. The ideas were quickly put on paper and the first sketches were made.
Plinoklin delovanje - skica

MARCH 2018

The first prototype was built and a number of tests followed.



APRIL 2018

It was necessary to develop an optimum design that would allow for traction on a wide variety of trunk floorings and provide sufficient strength and consequently guaranteed safety during the transport of the gas cylinder.


We built the moulding tool and soon after that the final product, simply named FixIt, was born. A simple and practical wedge made of ABS plastic and TPE rubber. The bent upper surface is perfectly adjusted to the 30 cm diameter of the cylinder. The product itself is equipped with two anti-slip rubber layers that prevent the horizontal movement of the gas cylinder. The bottom part of FixIt has a specially designed jagged surface that prevents lateral movement of the gas cylinder using its weight. Extremely simple and practical solution, which significantly helps to increase the level of safety of car drivers when transporting gas cylinders. On top of that, it only weighs a few grams and is 20 centimeters long.








At 250 Petrol gas stations

In 42 M Tehnika stores

In all Kurivo Gorica d.d. stores

In the Butan plin stores network


In 42 M Tehnika stores or in their online shop





Plinoklin sem si kupil na podlagi priporočil znanca in moram priznati, da ni mi žal, odlična ter praktična zagozda. Sam se namreč večkrat odpravim po nakup plinske jeklenke, tekom let sem iznašel raznorazne prijeme za fiksiranje le te, a kaj ko s plinoklinom je to tako enostavno. Tako ne porabim več nekaj minut za zagozditev za zadnje sedeže, temveč nekaj sekund. Najbolj pa me navdušuje vsestranskost uporabe, z njim denimo tudi zagozdim manjše inox sode za oljčno olje. Priporočam vsem, obvezen dodatek v vsakem osebnem vozilu.

Aleksander Jevnikar

Oljčno olje Jevnikar

Sam plin vozim redko, ampak takrat jasno uporabim plinoklin. Jeklenka se niti pod slučajno ne premakne. Sem pa ugotovil, da je plinoklin zelo uporaben tudi za fiksiranje motokultivatorja na prikolici, pa še kakšno uporabo bom našel. Vsekakor koristen pripomoček, priporočam.

Mag. Aleš Lisac

Direktor Lisac & Lisac d.o.o.

Na Petrolu smo dolgo časa iskali rešitev za varen prevoz plinskih jeklenk v osebnih avtomobilih. Iskali smo rešitev, ki bi bila enostavna, hitra in predvsem cenovno ugodna za naše stranke. Vse to smo našli s plinoklinom, ki se je izkazal ne samo kot varnostni element, ampak tudi kot odličen organizator prtljažnega prostora. Tudi jaz ga uporabljam in priporočam, da si ga priskrbite tudi vi.

Anton Rus

Področje plin in toplota oddelek UNP, Petrol